YardBarberz - About
A Word about Us:
We’re thrilled you’re considering YardBarberz to take care of your home. We’d like to tell you why we’re different than anyone else you might consider for your lawn maintenance and snow removal needs.
When we say your satisfaction is guaranteed we mean it. Companies throw that phrase around all the time. The phrase becomes diluted and means nothing anymore. But when we say your satisfaction is guaranteed, we mean you will not pay us if you are not happy with the service. Furthermore, if we can’t correct the issue at hand, I will literally pay a competitor of your choosing to fix the problem. When we say we only want 100% satisfied clients, we mean it.
We are going to show up to your property in professional uniforms. We’re going to use professional lawn and snow equipment. With grass, we are going to weed eat around every fence, shrub, light post, and anywhere else our mowers will not reach. We’re going to clean up all grass clippings and blow all the concrete and hard surfaces clean. With snow we are going to shovel the “entire” sidewalk from grass line to grass line and not just a small pathway. We will always find or create a curbside pathway so that you or your guest won’t have to jump over snow banks!!! With plowing your driveway we place markers so that we have a reference point to tell us where the roadway ends and your lawn edge begins (Your lawn and every other hidden entity are at risk of being struck by the plow blade).

When we’re finished, the YardBarberz is going to go through a 9-point check off list to ensure that the quality was absolutely thorough……..
“Are we parked in a safe location not blocking fire hydrants, driveways, or mailboxes?”...
“Was there attention to detail while performing each step of the lawn mowing (Mowing, edging, trimming, and clean up) and snow removal process(Salt application, ) ?”
“Were we conscientious of our surroundings at all times (People, animals, debris, etc.?)
“Did we use an alternate mowing pattern when cutting the grass regularly”
“Did we brush off snow from the clients vehicles?”
“Double check mowing, trimming, and edging before blowing the grass clippings off”
“Make sure your fence is locked(If applicable)”
“If the client requested, did we take pictures of the work?”
“Quickly admire our work, smile, and get on to the next lawn”!
If we see a trash can out by the road that needs to be brought back to the house, then we are going to do that too. We are going to brush the snow off of your car. We make sure that the snow on and around your garbage can is removed so that you still have access to it.
With lawn care, we’re going to be consistent in our service schedule to your property. If we mow your yard on Tuesday, then your yard is going to be mowed on Tuesdays every other week. If you request that your snow be removed by a certain time of the day, we make every effort to see to it that it happens.
If there is ever a need to change your service schedule, then you are going to receive a text alert update. Our communication is going to be excellent. When you call us, we’re going to answer our phone. We’re easy to get a hold of and easy to work with. You can truly have an all season, year around company that personalizes all of your services!
Why have others chosen YardBarberz?
Maybe it’s because we do a great job cutting grass, removing snow, and servicing other yard needs.
Maybe it’s because we do a great job in proactively communicating with our clients.
Or maybe it’s because we’re just nice ordinary people conducting our business in a friendly way.
Whatever the reason, there’s no denying our clients love us.
YardBarberz is not going anywhere. YardBarberz is committed to Milwaukee, and we’re committed to you.
God Bless.